Welcome to my monthly newsletter, ATTUNEMENT!
Each month we “tune into” a theme related to mindfulness and
explore a creative practice and tune based on this theme!
This month of August we’re TUNING INTO the frequency of:
Image by Emily Bauman
A mindful ritual is a structured activity or set of actions we undertake with the intention of fostering mindfulness.
Mindful rituals can help us build community, deepen our present-moment awareness, create meaning, align with what matters to us, acknowledge/honor transitions, and even offer solace during times of loss.
When we practice a ritual, we enact values that are important to us, like cultivating gratitude, courage, or connection with a loved one.
-Casper ter Kuile
Here are some examples of mindful rituals you could try each day:
Writing in a gratitude journal each night before bed
Eating your first bite of dinner mindfully, in silence
Preparing/pouring your coffee slowly, and inhaling its aroma before sipping
Starting your day with 10 minutes of yoga sun salutations
And some you could try weekly:
Saging your home to purify the space and clear negative energy
Going on a walk outside with no headphones (or phone!)
Preparing and enjoying a vegan meal
Having a family game night
Making at least one new SoulCollage® card (email me if you don't know what this is, and I'll gladly share--or better yet, come to one of my workshops!)
Attending a sound bath (again, happy to explain, and you can come to one of mine!)
Or even yearly:
Creating a mindful vision board that sets the tone for the year ahead
Going on a weekend mindfulness retreat (below is one I hosted in Fall '22).
Creative Mindfulness Practice: Creating a Ritual
Reflect on what matters most to you; check in with your values. If one of your values is peace, then perhaps you could create a peace-focused ritual, such as reciting lovingkindness phrases to yourself in bed before you fall asleep (i.e. "May all beings know peace, may all beings be well, may all beings be free from suffering).
Consider what "ordinary" things you do each day that are actually really meaningful. For example, hugging your partner goodbye in the morning. Infusing a ritual-like quality into this interaction might look like being sure to make eye contact with your partner, smiling, and saying "I love you" before you hug them.
Rituals are a beautiful way to infuse mindfulness into your life. It can turn ordinary actions into extraordinary experiences.
My August Events:
Sound Bath, Yoga, & Breathwork 🥣 🧘 🫁
Fri 8/2, 6:30-8pm @ GoYoga Grandview (w/ Anastasija Katcyna)
By combining the soothing tones and vibrations from sound bowls with mindful movement and powerful breathwork, you will awaken your senses, energy, and inner potential. This fusion of ancient healing modalities and modern wellness practices creates a transformative journey that will bring you into greater balance. Whether you're seeking relaxation, stress relief, or a renewed sense of purpose, this experience will leave you feeling rejuvenated, balanced, and ready to embrace life with restored vitality.
Yoga Nidra, Sound Bath, & Reiki 🧘 🥣 🙏
Thurs 8/15, 7-8:30pm @ The Be Sanctuary, UA (w/ Susan Gladden)
Experience the power of restorative yoga, sound healing, Reiki and yoga nidra all in one workshop designed to reduce stress and tap into your body’s innate healing ability! Susan will lead you through some gentle stretches and restorative poses, as well as provide hands-on healing through the channeling of Reiki energy, accompanied by the tranquil sounds of Katy’s crystal bowls. The workshop will culminate in a yoga nidra practice.
SoulCollage® Companion Suit Workshop 🌈 ✂️
Wed 8/21, 6:30-8:30pm @ The Be Sanctuary, UA
SoulCollage® is a playful, powerful creative mindfulness process that connects you to your inner wisdom through the creation of 5x8” collaged cards of imagery which are unique reflections of you and your world. In this workshop we’ll explore the SoulCollage® Companion Suit (category) whose cards represent animal energies or other symbols that embody specific qualities/strengths you can draw upon. You'll be guided in creating and sharing your Companion cards.
Mindful Moments: Mini Forest Retreat 🌿 ✂️ 🥣
Fri 8/23, 1-5pm @ Moon Creek, Muirfield Village area of Dublin
In the 3-hr retreat you’ll explore a variety of mindfulness-based practices through the modalities of creative self-expression (SoulCollage®), sound and silence (sound bath), nature (forest bathing), and connection (tea and conversation). Enjoy this unique opportunity to “go on retreat” close to work and home, and to immerse yourself in the peace of a forested creekside sanctuary while you are guided in restorative practices that support your personal and professional well-being.
Sat 8/24, 9-10:30am @ Smith Nature Park, UA
Shinrin-yoku (translated as “bathing in the air of the forest”) is a Japanese practice which guides you to mindfully immerse yourself in nature. Benefits can include improved physical and mental health. The practice focuses on cultivating a sense of reciprocity between you and the forest. You'll experience a sequence of invitations that allows you to enjoy both structure and spontaneity in your session. The practice ends with tea and a sharing circle.
Creative Self-Care With SoulCollage® (Intro Workshop) 🌈 ✂️
Mon 8/26, 6:30-8:30pm @ OSU Center for Integrative Health
Explore the practice of self-expressive intuitive collaging through SoulCollage®. You will create 5x8" cards that reflect aspects of your self related to personality, community, archetypes, and somatic/animal energies. You will learn how to work with your cards as a creative mindfulness practice to bring forth your inner wisdom and self-compassion.
This Month’s Tune:
Each month I share a tune that resonates with the newsletter theme.
For this month’s theme of RITUAL I've chosen my original chant song "Guided By Light (Akasha Yoga Chant)". SHINE Studio in Akron commissioned me to write this song for use in all of their Akasha™ Yoga sessions as a sung ritual at the end of each class. The lyrics are:
I am guided by light while I move in your love,
My dreams take shape as I bow to my soul.
I like to think of the "you" in the chant as the Universe, but of course each song becomes significant for the listener in ways that are most resonant for them, so feel free to interpret as you see fit!
⬇️ Click on image below to listen to the song on Spotify.
Have a lovely month of August! And if you're enjoying the mindful ritual of this monthly Attunement newsletter, please let me know :)