
Katy's blog on MINDFUL LIVING

Why AttUNEment?

Mindfulness is the practice of TUNING INTO what is here now--within us and around us. Research has shown it's beneficial to our mind, body, soul, and relationships. I love that 'attunement' contains the word "tune", because listening to/making music is one of my favorite ways to practice mindfulness.

When we're mindful, we start to notice the presence (or absence!) of the following attitudes within ourselves: non-judgment, patience, curiosity, trust, non-striving, acceptance, letting go, gratitude, and generosity.

Cultivating mindful awareness provides us with the clarity we need to live more intentionally and skillfully--with LESS judgment and striving, and MORE patience, curiosity, acceptance, letting go, gratitude, and generosity.

We can use various tools to access and act from this "attuned state of being". Formal meditation is one tool, but it's not the only one! Music, movement, art, writing, and time in nature are just some of the multitude of creative pathways into mindfulness and enhanced wellbeing.

Each month* in this blog I explore a different theme related to mindful living, share a creative mindfulness practice aligned with that theme, and share a song that connects to the theme.

Thanks for TUNING in!


*Since these blog posts are created from my monthly e-newsletter (click here to subscribe!), the “published” dates that appear on the website for the first few blogs are much later than I actually wrote them.